* iPad *

ok. i'm in LOVE now. 

in love with IPAD alright!! 

Ipad Pictures, Images and Photos

ney ipad lme., i'm aiming fr iPAD 2,(akn kua dlm april ney)

iPad Premium Neoprene Soft Case 2 Pictures, Images and Photos
casing dy sgt SMART kott,, huhu.

ak akn bli ia ngn duet keje ku,, tggu ea! ;))


liamin said...

aku pon nk!!
lek arrh..
nnti kite dpt dari paklang!

ABSOLUTE said...

LOL. you should post ipad 2 prototype. try la search. LOL

Syahirah Z said...

acap; ak da cri r, xjmpe n mls nk cri further. haha. bru jmpe kott,. =,=;