Si Gila Kerja ;D


Bak pepatah Acap MadDan , yes. i'm a workaholic. "keje utk duet". tuh motto keje ak,. n yeah, ak keje as Store Associate kt 7Eleven TM , hee,, my second playground ;

7eleven Pictures, Images and Photos
haa,, jeles x wahai Acap MadDan? kmu msih drumah mnyusukn ank sdgkn ak bkeje., XDD

Yup. Ney SMOKE ak.,


N this is me, fuhhh,, ;))

this is my working timetable; morning ; 7am - 3pm
                                                aftrnoon ; 3pm - 11pm
                                                  night     ; 11pm - 7am

so, yeah. ak wanita brkrjaya. ( uhhh ) , that's it fr now! 



ABSOLUTE said...

HAHA. im goin to get my license first. :P i'll make sure i get my own ipad too, huhh. :DD

Syahirah Z said...

what the fish? get ur own life! ;D